Monday, May 4, 2020

Corona vs. Social Media Presence

          Social Media is a gray area for the first amendment because you can speak your mind, but companies also have the right to take down your post if they feel it is inappropriate for their platform. However, with the outbreak of the coronavirus, people have noticed some changed on social media. 
            Things that began to change in early March was the online engagement on sites such as Facebook and Instagram. However, for some reason twitter did not seem to take as much of a hit. People are still using twitter to stay informed, but it seems the other sites aren’t doing as well in that aspect. 
            The sites didn’t take a hit for long. They may have been down, but now they are the highest they have been all year. People still aren’t posting as much as they have in the past, but they are present on social media a lot more now, than they were when the outbreak began. 
            Social media presence may be down, but the amount of people paying attention to the news now is higher than ever. News websites are through the roof because people just want to be informed of every new thing that is happening, even if all their sources may not have true information. 

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Corona vs. Social Media Presence

           Social Media is a gray area for the first amendment because you can speak your mind, but companies also have the right to tak...