Saturday, March 7, 2020

Current Event in Tech 

       The coronavirus is having a major impact on the schools and workplace. Universities are worried that parents won’t send their kids back after the break, and the workplaces are switching to video conferences. People are trying to keep their interaction with others as minimal as possible during this time. The technology we now have is the one thing making day to day life still possible from home. You can still get your work done and talk to people without having to see them in person. “The coronavirus seems to be having an effect on all aspects of the tech industry, from social media policies around health misinformation to the way the big companies do business.” Major companies such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Microsoft have started using the mandatory video chats, keeping over 75,000 people from going to work. They are not only doing this in the US, Apple and Amazon have done this in their china businesses as well. Also, big companies have asked their employees to cancel all trips they had to China. Some companies, like uber and lyft, are benefiting from this because people don’t want to take public transportation. Also, companies like Airbnb, have given refunds for rentals that normally would not have been refunded. Although this coronavirus is new, it is just like the regular flu, but something we haven’t seen before. So, I understand peoples fear, I just believe it is slightly over the top.

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