Wednesday, March 4, 2020



        In class, we watched presentations on different evolutions of media. Netflix was one everyone was similar with and also a very interesting topic to actually learn new information about, instead of just watching it. Especially, since one of the founders speaks at High Point University often. 

        Netflix was launched in 1997, which was earlier than I realized before hearing this presentation in class. Soon after, in 1998, they released their first DVD rental. Over the years Netflix has introduced many new benefits. In 2007 they introduced streaming, in 2012 they started making their own series', in 2016 it became available in 130 countries, and on top of all that Netflix has won 5 academy awards for its original material. Although having Netflix has been a positive in general, and started a new society revolving around streaming, it has had some negative effects on society as well. 

          Movie theaters, and movie sales, have felt some backlash since the introduction of Netflix. People don't want to go to the theater, or buy the DVD for the movie, when they can just wait for it to come on the website they pay for monthly. Movie theaters are losing sales in tickets, and customers in general. A company that Netflix put out of business completely was Blockbuster. The Blockbuster was a way to rent movies for a few days, but now there is a way to watch them without having to leave your house to pick it up and return it. Netflix has also had a negative impact on family relationships. People used to spend more time with their families, but today research shows that people spend, on a daily average, about 36 minutes with their family, and about 1.5 hours watching Netflix. Being able to binge watch, encourages people to spend more time watching a show or movies.

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