Thursday, April 30, 2020

Media vs COVID

            The idea of corona, and catching it, has taken over the mindsets of people all over the world for the past month or so. It wasn’t a big deal, until all of a sudden it was. Initially people were pushing it off like “it’s just another flu,” but then when people started to take it seriously the world shut down, and social media had a part to play in that. 
            People are easily persuaded or convinced by things they read on the internet, regardless of how much fact the writer has to back up their point. Then you have the fact that different websites say different things which get the readers all confused. People are also starting to come up with their own theories without any knowledge of the real information and causing havoc. 
            However, I would be lying if I left out the good social media has done during this time of attempted isolation. I say attempted because not everyone is following the recommended guidelines. But, for those who are this time can feel very lonely. So, through social media people are able to feel connected to one another and still communicate on a daily basis. People can feel less alone because they can facetime with a group and workout or cook, or anything to make them forget they are alone. 
            As many downsides as social media has proven to have, there are sides of it that make it worth it because if people couldn’t connect right now, this would be a whole lot harder. 

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