Tuesday, April 28, 2020

My Online Footprint

          As part of the Gen Z generation, social media has been a big part of our lives. Since we got smartphones, we have had access to it. I feel that personally I have a large online footprint, while I do not have a personal website, I do have Instagram, snapchat, facebook, pinterest, tiktok and others.  On these social media platforms, I usually post pictures and videos, either of trips I have been on or events I have been too. The only link I have attached to any of my accounts is my vsco, which is another form of social media.
            From just looking at my profile online, someone would easily be able to tell a few things about me. They would be able to tell where I go to school, who my best friends are, and that I am currently on my colleges cheerleading team. They could tell these things because of my bio, my locations tagged on my photos, and the people who make up the majority of the pictures on my feeds. 
            On my personal accounts, I do not give away a lot of private information. However, to make an account for most sites, you have to provide an email or a phone number that can be used if you forget your password or someone hacks your account. I usually use an email that I only use for social media accounts that is not connected to anything else incase an account were to get hacked. 
            I think social media definitely has the ability to cause people to feel all sorts of ways based off what they see. There has been a lot of controversy about social media making people depressed because they see the way that other people look or the other way that people are living their lives and they feel inferior. It can also make people feel lonely if they see people together and they are alone, or they see their friends together and they were not invited. It is all based off the perception you have when you view it. 

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